samedi 19 octobre 2013

Korean pianist Kim Sun-wook has gained recognition on tour in Argentina. 

On August 23, Kim became the first Korean pianist to have a recital at the prestigious theater Teatro Colon. At the crowded auditorium filled with more than 2,400 music lovers, Kim delicately but charismatically performed Bach’sPartita and Beethoven’s Sonata No. 28 during the first section and Brahms’ Sonata No. 3 in the latter section.

The audiences gave a standing ovation and applauded for his encore performance of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 8 “Pathetique.”

 Kim’s performance in Argentina has made headlines in the daily newspaper La Nacion. The August 23 edition dedicated both of its first and third pages to coverage of Kim’s debut at Teatro Colon written by music critic Pablo Gianera under the title “Hidden secret of music unveiled in Teatro Colon.” 

Argentina’s mass-circulation daily Clarin also gave a lot of coverage to an in-depth interview with the young Korean musician titled “Love towards Beethoven.” 

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